A business door with a sign written "open"

The Open Concept – From Open Source to Open Access

The web, a concrete legacy of the 1960’s counterculture (djs61257, 2010b), comes from a generation carrying the ideal of freedom and was idealized by a person seeking a tool that facilitates collaboration and provides equal and easy access to information to all its users. (djs61257, 2010c) From the beginning, it was already possible to see …

A sign written "Internet @" in a corner with a building behind.

From the Internet to the WWW

The origins of the Internet In the early sixties, the networking concept was taking its first steps. Later in this decade, ARPANET would provide “the technical foundation for the internet” (“Infographic,” 2018). Initially, the purpose of such development was to facilitate data transfer between universities, and in 1969 the first digital data was sent from …